Thursday, 19 September 2013

Hold the rope

I've recently been contemplating with one of my occupations as I want to introduce others to it. 
Someone introduced me to the job and honestly it's been amazing. It's like one of them university ambassador jobs or being an ambassador of a nation. I think what made me apply is because of the job prospects and what it could do to and for me. 
However, it's had it's rough patches at time because I was slack sometimes. I forgot the company principles and that I was representing the standards of the company. Imagine, I actually signed that I'd follow and adhere to it at all times. Luckily for all of us at the company, our CEO was very kind to us and overlooked a lot of our mistakes. He always makes us sign on again (our company is not very Eco friendly haha).

Funny thing is I'm proud of my company but I wonder if it's actually true or I'm just saying it. I believe, if I am then by now I'd have had more recruits to my name. 

Ok some of you may have sussed me out by now. 

My company: Christianity 
CEO: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. 
Some of you may have read up to now and you want to close it, just give me two more minutes. 

I'll tell you a quick story. I heard this story yesterday. 

There was a man in a village who was blind caused by a cataract. One day he was fed up and decided to pray for a healing. That night he had a dream and in the dream he was given a message. The message "Hold the rope". He woke up and told his wife, "Hold the rope". No one knew what it meant, but he held on to it. 

There were some missionaries who came and travelled over a 100 miles. Fortunately for the man they were able to remove the cataract and cure him of his blindness. The missionaries informed him that if he needed any further assistance, they will be available at their location which was obviously 100 miles away. 

However, in the village there were approximately 50 people who were also blind. He wanted to get them to the people that cured him of his blindness. Guess what, for him to get them there he had to get a rope and tell the blind  people to "Hold the rope". Amazing right. He now successfully led them by ensuring that they held the rope. 

What am I saying? 

A lot of us have access to God as we have been saved but we are not leading others to this same God that has cured us of our diseases, hurts, pains and sins. 

My plea is that as you have been saved, lead others to Christ. 

For those who haven't met with God, please don't be judgemental. Give him a try. 

Let's get others to hold rope.