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Better late than never, better in than out or so they say!
Hi everyone and welcome to my two part series titled-'Better late than never'. I think for the past month, I have personally been in denial that 2015 is upon us and moving ever so quickly. Hence the lack of posts, of which I do apologise. In contrast, I hope the year has started off really well for you and you are enjoying each moment.
As is custom on Rubologs, I share the lessons that I learn every month with you and encourage you to do the same. It's a different way of monitoring progress and helps you to take stock of different areas in your life.
I decided to do a grand finale on the lessons I learnt throughout 2014 and in no particular order, here are my lessons:
1. Sin wastes time
I think this is something that I have been made aware of but failed to realise it until last year. Sin uses valuable time that you and I could use to do something of importance and instead aids us into doing something that in the end will mean nothing; in essence it is deceitful.
2. You will be discouraged but you must continue.
We will, at one point or the other, be discouraged due to circumstances surrounding us and unfortunately there is very little we can do about it. What we can do, is choose to acknowledge the situation and inadvertently decide to get up from the place of discouragement, make adjustments and move on. I learnt in a harsh way that time waits for no man and it will be to my detriment, if I let every adverse situation stop me from progressing in my journey of life.
3. We are not immune to mental health illness
Within the black community, I am aware that mental health is one of the sensitive or unspoken topics we have on the list. To an extent, it is due to a lack of knowledge (in the sense that people do not readily look for this information, not that the information is not there). However, last year I witnessed what depression did to some people around me. It was not encouraging to say the least but helped me to be aware to the 'symptoms' preempting the illness.
4. We do not know how long we have.
To be direct, we sincerely have no idea of the time we have left so we must take each day as our last. I encourage us to stop procrastinating and take the first steps towards the idea(s) and project(s) we desire to execute.
5.God provides
*sigh* I genuinely cannot count the amount of times God came in and helped me through something. This was not only in the area of my finances but in everything. The funny thing is that each time, He did something was different to the way He did it the previous time. It's like He's got some romance. I definitely need to take some lessons from Him.
6. Things will always work out.
Again, I cannot explain it to you but I experienced it. According to His will, things will always come together.
7. Friends change, family remains
Harsh lesson of 2014. Some people left me and I had to leave some people. Now it's not because of any dispute but the truth of the matter is, you cannot travel with everyone and vice versa. Having said that, your family, as long as the love is real, will be there for you during tough times (exceptions apply).
8. Money is good but it does not buy happiness.
Please don't be fooled. It is good to have money but money cannot give you everything so please do not rely on it.
9. Comparison is the thief of joy.
I lost my focus for a bit as I kept comparing myself to every Tom, Dick and Harry and it cost me time and productivity. You can admire someone and their achievements but refrain from making their success your goals to avoid disappoint if you don't reach it.
10. Every plan is not for the present
Ok this took me a long time to understand. Although you may have an idea, it is not necessarily meant for this time as you may need to work on a foundation on which you may build upon.
Lastly, at the end of the day, everything is about Jesus and it is for His glory so we must have that at the back of our minds.
I hope you've learnt something whilst reading this. Don't forget to put your lessons down and share with us.
Lots of love