Thursday, 19 December 2013


"Hi ruth, how are you? How's the job hunt going?"
"You had any interviews yet?"

"How did your last interview go?"

"You actively looking for work?"

"Don't worry, God will give you your own."

"If it's God's will, the job is yours!"

This has been my conversation with people for the last 4-5 months. I'm sure you've sussed out what this post is about. 

Rather than complaining about my current job situation, I've decided to give advice, especially to my fellow graduates who spend all day looking for work. 

I know the feeling of looking into your account and sighing heavily, the dreaded email response saying 'We are sorry...', the countless jobs that require 2-5 years experience in your field BUT you are a graduate with little or no experience. 
I laugh because if I see one more job spec requesting experience when I clearly inserted 'entry role' to my search engine, then I may cut my hair ( I lie, it'd make too many people happy lol). 

Let me point out by stating one mistake that I made when I first started, I didn't speak to anyone! Big mistake. You know you'd be surprised at the amount of information people have if you just decided to be open with them. I could not believe the wealth of information people had to offer me. Conversing with different people exposed me to an area, company or location I hadn't initially thought of and it's really enhanced my job search. Honestly, speak to people! 

Another thing, be bold! I'm actually a shy person but I come across as being an extrovert. Total lie. To pick up the phone to call the HR of a company is an issue for me but once I started, I couldn't stop. Once I did one cover letter, I could email it round to several companies. I mean the worst they can say is NO! It's really not that bad at least you know you've made the effort right? 

Read! Read blogs and articles from newspapers such as The Guardian, The Times, Total Jobs or journals related to your field on the job market. It gives you great insight as to what is actually happening around you. Some information may appear gloomy but there's always a ray of hope somewhere.  

I've been to a few recruitment and graduate fairs but I must say it hasn't really favoured my field. The last one I went to in October in London was good and I was able to send my CV to a few companies to be viewed for jobs. I'd say along these lines that it's best to sign up to these graduate recruitment agencies. They're especially good for HR, Business and Finance. I'm not too certain of Science and engineering. However, sometimes having these emails coming through is an encouragement as it shows that there are jobs out there and that you should be hopeful. 

Lastly, don't give in! I remember going for one interview. I calculated my salary, how I was going to save, use the rest of the money on other things, help pay some bills at home, go on holiday etc but then I didn't get the job. Something to do with shortage in funds. It totally messed up my morale. I don't think I applied for other jobs that week, I was soooo down! Haha looking back, I'm actually ok and I've been able to pick myself back up again and keep going. So you do the same! 

Pray, pray, pray! I cannot stress this point. There's no point in you applying for a job that you know God does not want you in. You'd probably be frustrated there! Trust me. I hope I haven't lost you if you're not a Christian but try it. Just pray to God that He should make it clear whether He wants you to have the job or not. I'm so sure He'd answer you. 

Apply apply, apply because faith without works is dead. Make sure you're actively seeking your desired role. 

Oh yeah, for those of you reading this and are about to graduate, you're in for a shocker lol. The real world is no joke so enjoy university whilst it lasts. 

If anyone has any good sites for biology and related roles or graduate roles in general please comment below or drop me an email at 

Ruthie...till we meet again! 

Saturday, 30 November 2013

F for freedom

Freedom is defined as
the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.
the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.
Whenever I think of the concept behind freedom, Galatians 5:1 comes to mind, which says:
"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." (ESV)

"So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law." (NLT)

"IN [this] freedom Christ has made us free [and completely liberated us]; stand fast then, and do not be hampered and held ensnared and submit again to a yoke of slavery [which you have once put off]." (AMP)

Before anyone experiences the freedom that Christ gives, they are subject to sin, it's consequences, past mistakes, deadly habits and influences from the world. We were given the idea of freedom but this freedom only led to sin. 

Galatians 5:1 explains that our freedom in Christ enables us to stand firm so that we will not return to our past condition of being bound or held down. For some of you reading this, you've been limited by your negative and condemning thoughts, some have been haunted by past mistakes whilst some have been weighed down by the cycle of habitual behaviours and feel as though you were bound... There's hope! 

Christ died and rose that we may have life in abundance whilst the enemy's assignment is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). Christ died and rose that we may overcome with our faith in him (1 John 5:4). Christ died and rose to give us the power to tread upon serpents and scorpion and the power of the enemy so that nothing shall by any means harm us (Luke 10:19). Christ died and rose that we may have the power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Where on earth does fear have a place?! Can you see the life He wants for us?

I like the English Standard Version as it says 'for FREEDOM Christ has set us free.' That implies that we USED to be bound! We USED to be enslaved! But NO MORE! Our freedom in Christ is to serve in love and not follow the lusts of the flesh.(Galatians 5:13) 

The word of God clearly states, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36 ESV)
There's no room for doubt here! The word of the Son is as good as the word of the Father himself. Therefore you're free from the past, no longer bound, free from your mistakes and free from sin as it has NO DOMINION over you! (Romans 6:14) Therefore, renew your mind. Get thinking the way God wants you to. 

Just in case it slips your mind remember also that "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38, 39 ESV)

Our freedom in Christ has given us access to His throne, access to His heart and access to His word. 
As you come to worship and fellowship, remember that you're free to lift your hands, free to sing, free to dance, free to embrace His love and free to experience His presence...

I and the Lightchild Family cannot wait to see you. For more information visit:

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Foundation brush

I like make up, well I like it on other people and I enjoy applying it. However, I hardly ever wear it as I cannot be fussed. One of my aunties bought me a foundation brush two years ago , my first ever! It was great, new and an answer to my prayer (ladies you get what I mean, no more foundation on hands *dances*). So I probably only wear my make up once a week to church right and that's when I'm given the opportunity to use this foundation brush of mine. However because I only wear it once a week I sometimes forget to wash the brush after and then another Sunday comes and I have a clogged up brush. Euw. I must say I've sinned at times and used it without washing it *receivesvirtualsideeyefrommakeupartists*. After I realised what this was doing to my skin I think I just stopped using the brush entirely and started using my foam pads instead. BUT I was going back to this whole era of foundation on my fingers which I find quite annoying. Hence, I retreated back to the use of my foundation brush. Oh for those who don't know what that is, a foundation brush is the tool used to apply foundation to ones skin-mini beauty lesson lol. 

Ok so here's my story. As I was washing the foundation brush I realised that it needed more washing and rinsing than usual. I kept adding soap, warm water and rinsing it off only to still see traces of old foundation on the brush. It was actually quite surprising but I kept going at it as I needed it really clean. Then my love spoke and I wanted to faint. No like seriously. Here's what He said 'the less time you spend with me, the more you get clogged up with the world and the more of my word you'll need to wash with in order to get clean and the longer the process will take'. I was like BOOM! I've got my word! HELLOO!! Repeté s'il vous plait! (Did I get that right?) 
No but did anybody just read what I wrote! BOOM!!

It's SOOO true guys. The more time we spend away, the more we'd become empty and be filled with the wrong thing. We are vessels, a canvas, space which needs to be filled-either with good or bad. Let's not fill ourselves with the wrong thing! 

Personally, what I heard was absolutely amazing because I had become slightly distant. I got bored or shall I say too familiar with the presence of God. I almost believed that I'd attained a certain level (lol, yh right), and didn't need things that other people did. Halt! Error! 
God's word says " Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:4, 5 ESV)".
What's the keyword here please? 'Abide, abide, abide'. It's paramount, essential, a necessity...more so an act of commitment.  

Let's look at all of this from a different angle. When I got the word, what caught my attention was 'washing'. The word washing can be defined 'to make clean'. Whilst thinking of that, this scripture came to mind "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself." (Ephesians 5:25-28 ESV). I want to scream but I'll compose myself. One of the responsibilities of a husband as stated in this scripture is to love like Christ. What did Christ do? Gave His life in exchange for mine and therefore cleansed me as He IS the word. This is done constantly through fellowship with Him and worship to Him. Therefore, my husband has been given a great responsibility of honour to share the word with me thereby washing me and helping me to get ready to meet our Lord Jesus Christ. That in itself has knocked me over. I think by hearing  what God had to say and reading this scripture the role of a husband has definitely become so much clearer to me. Honestly, I heard a preacher say one day that it's his responsibility and duty as a husband to love his wife like Christ and to make her  get ready to meet with Him. I didn't get it but I definitely do now.   

Another way to interpret all of this is from the scripture that says,  "So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image." (2 Corinthians 3:18 NLT). This verse is heavy but I will concentrate on the latter part that says and "The Lord-who is the Spirit-makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image." Our relationship with God is absolutely essential to our well being, development and finally our transformation. The more we abide, by fellowship, reading and meditation of the word, worship to our God, the display of love to fellow believers and unbelievers the more we exact the characteristics of who we are trying to be like-Christ. 

That's the primary message that God was trying to hone down on me. He was basically saying that you either get filled with me or get filled with filth. Think about it this way if you choose to continue in a career you'd eventually reach the highest peak, but if you dibble and dabble from one job to the other you may never attain such heights. It's the same principle! 

One more scripture. The famous Romans 12:2. I'm almost tempted not to quote the scripture because most of us know it. Most of us are able to write a sermon on this scripture but many of us, because of knowledge, do not walk in wisdom of this particular scripture. 
"Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." (Romans 12:2 NLT)

Keywords: behaviour, world, transform, think, God's will.  We are evidently living in this world. It's almost difficult to be a Christian due to the concepts, mindsets and beliefs presented to us every single day. But, I love God because even in this predicament he's faithful enough to provide a way of escape. How does he do this? He simply encourages us to abide in him and allow Him to transform us into a new person by changing the way we think! Boom! It's a simple thing but if like me you've gone/going through this you'd appreciate it's difficulties. 

Let me say this, it's not that we are not saved, it's not that we are not one spirit with Christ, it's not that we aren't in a relationship with Him; it's the fact that we chose not to walk in a manner worthy of the calling. It's the fact that we chose not to walk in a renewed mind and DAILY make the right choices to bring us to him.

My plea is not that you read this and be in awe but rather that you'd make a conscious decision to spend time with God and let His word transform you into the person He desires you to be. 

Be filled with the word and not the world....and "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." (Psalms 19:14 NLT)


Wednesday, 23 October 2013


It's been a while but this is something I have to share with you.

Last month, being September, I became aware of something that I was lacking and that was-confidence. Now for my friends and those who appear to know me, they may think that I have confidence. Honestly as of September, I thought I was confident because I've had to do a lot of public speaking and other related things but deep down summin was going on. So let's talk about it....(Before we go on, I was opportune to share my thoughts and lessons with the youth at my local church and I asked them for some input so they'll be embedded).

What is the meaning of confidence? 

full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing: We have every confidence in their ability to succeed.
belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance: His lack of confidence defeated him.
certitude; assurance: He described the situation with such confidence that the audience believed him completely.

'What other things are associated with confidence?' (This was a question I asked the teens I was with and their response)

  • Brave
  • Self consciousness- if they're not confident they watch or think what other people are saying 
  • Self belief- gives you an edge to go and do something 
  • Persistence- when you're confident, something knocks you down but you pick yourself up
  • Complacency- negative confidence: ignorance  
I couldn't help but notice that confidence was/is intertwined with trust so here's the dictionary definition:


reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
confident expectation of something; hope.
a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust.

Definition 4 deserves a fkldfhvnkdvsfdfvsdfjnvsd moment!! If the dictionary could define trust as such then HELLO!! 'Ruth, what is yer problem?' lol. 

Some of the definitions given by my lovely teenagers include:
  • Lack of doubt
  • To put faith in something 
  • To be able to count on 
  • To have belief 
  • Relying on someone 
You may ask me why I asked them these questions especially when the dictionary could have provided me with answers but I really wanted to know and understand their views. This topic for them, believe it or not, is so sensitive. I'm sure if you try and remember your days in secondary school, there were many things you weren't confident in which prevented you from doing certain things. 

Back to what I was saying. I became aware of what this lack of confidence was doing to me as a was holding me back. Holding me back from being a Christian who evangelises, holding me back from saying the truth when it needed to be said, holding me back from helping others...holding me back from being me. When I decided to take account of what was going on I couldn't believe the scope of things I wasn't doing. HA the devil is liaar (Christianese alert). As a result, I had to refocus...

I understood that as a Christian my confidence was from God and originates in Him. He's the author and finisher of my faith (Hebrews 12:2). Let me explain with this analogy. Think of a building. You build the foundation first and keep layering it with the remaining structure of the building. It's a construction over time which is based on previous experience, most times. If you experience good things, it automatically boosts your confidence level. But if it's the opposite, it reduces your levels right? This is what was happening to me, however, I didn't take account until I reached the foundation again. 

'How does the society we live in portray confidence?'  (Teenagers response)
  • Bad behaviour is a way of confidence 
  • Make people seem that they have more confidence than they really do and everyone tries to emulate that 
  • Someone that they're not 
  • Try to fit in with trends and what they think it's meant to be 
  • 'Image is confidence'
  • Guys getting girls 
  • All talk no show
After prayer and the talk I had with the teens, I have a better view and I'm working towards it. I know some people struggle with this and it spills over to low self esteem but be rest assured, God's got ya! 

Points to consider about confidence:

It's a thing of trust. Where we place our trust determines the level of our confidence 
Psalm 20:7 says 
'Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the Lord our God.' The supposed strength of chariots and horses will fail as it is not certain BUT God is sure!!! 

Another scripture I came across is Hebrews 10:35, 
'Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.' What confidence is here, in my opinion, is the confidence we have in Christ and that surely has a great reward.

fear not, for I am with you;
    be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10ESV)

Be sure and confident in GOD guys..I sure am


Thursday, 19 September 2013

Hold the rope

I've recently been contemplating with one of my occupations as I want to introduce others to it. 
Someone introduced me to the job and honestly it's been amazing. It's like one of them university ambassador jobs or being an ambassador of a nation. I think what made me apply is because of the job prospects and what it could do to and for me. 
However, it's had it's rough patches at time because I was slack sometimes. I forgot the company principles and that I was representing the standards of the company. Imagine, I actually signed that I'd follow and adhere to it at all times. Luckily for all of us at the company, our CEO was very kind to us and overlooked a lot of our mistakes. He always makes us sign on again (our company is not very Eco friendly haha).

Funny thing is I'm proud of my company but I wonder if it's actually true or I'm just saying it. I believe, if I am then by now I'd have had more recruits to my name. 

Ok some of you may have sussed me out by now. 

My company: Christianity 
CEO: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. 
Some of you may have read up to now and you want to close it, just give me two more minutes. 

I'll tell you a quick story. I heard this story yesterday. 

There was a man in a village who was blind caused by a cataract. One day he was fed up and decided to pray for a healing. That night he had a dream and in the dream he was given a message. The message "Hold the rope". He woke up and told his wife, "Hold the rope". No one knew what it meant, but he held on to it. 

There were some missionaries who came and travelled over a 100 miles. Fortunately for the man they were able to remove the cataract and cure him of his blindness. The missionaries informed him that if he needed any further assistance, they will be available at their location which was obviously 100 miles away. 

However, in the village there were approximately 50 people who were also blind. He wanted to get them to the people that cured him of his blindness. Guess what, for him to get them there he had to get a rope and tell the blind  people to "Hold the rope". Amazing right. He now successfully led them by ensuring that they held the rope. 

What am I saying? 

A lot of us have access to God as we have been saved but we are not leading others to this same God that has cured us of our diseases, hurts, pains and sins. 

My plea is that as you have been saved, lead others to Christ. 

For those who haven't met with God, please don't be judgemental. Give him a try. 

Let's get others to hold rope. 


Thursday, 29 August 2013


It's funny, I was thinking of what my next post would be on and it was proving difficult, till this morning something happened to me.

I'm an aspiring doctor, hm I've been saying that for the past five years and sometimes it hurts. I completed another degree but it just doesn't feel like 'IT'. These days I no longer talk about this aspiration of mine as I feel that the bottle which was once full of energy, passion and zeal is slowly running out, slowly finishing...almost empty. At times, I recharge my battery when I see another doctor, especially when they're young and around the age of 24-25. I'm like 'yay, I can definitely do this!' Then they leave and I'm left to face reality. 

The worst part is when you speak to some of your friends who are medics. I have a couple who are progressing on to their fourth year, mind you I still haven't started. Hm. Oh what about those friends I had who started off desiring to do medicine but one way or another changed their hasn't helped my bottle and my battery needs to be recharged. 

So what is it that happened to me today?

I went to see my GP, well a doctor from the hospital was in the surgery today. As she called my name to follow her to the office, I noticed that she was quite young and I felt a sharp gulp in my throat. 
We spoke about what I enquired and I'm being honest with you, my mind was half there and the other half wasn't. I was sitting there contemplating her age and itching to ask. She treated me for what I went in for and was about to leave, then I asked! Her age? 24!!!! 24!!! I repeat 24!! If I calculate properly she got in straight from A levels. Lucky her. 

So I left and prayed as I was walking to my destination thinking about what she said. I didn't cry because I had cried enough.  You know what she said to me when we spoke further? She said, 'Make sure it's what you want to do'. Hm. 

Anyways, I carried on with my journey, as I didn't want to ponder on what had happened. 

So I'm on the train and I plug in my earphones to my device and shuffle my songs. This song appears that I've never come across before 'Still' by Kirk Franklin. Tears came to my eyes but I had to wipe them away quickly as I didn't want to bring attention to myself. I relate to the song. I put it on repeat as I needed to listen properly to what they were singing. The long and short of it is 'He's still in control'. 

The song struck me in different ways because it addressed several issues that not only I was facing but that others close to me are facing. An example of a place that struck me is 
'You know every scripture, and what, where to pray'. In secondary school I was always referred to as the 'Bible' lool, I just had a big brain and read my Bible to be honest, so I was always spitting scriptures (not that I always knew what it meant). Anyways back to the song. This is me in that I know the 'right' things to say, I know the scripture, I have a right standing with God but still nothing is happening. If you're honest with yourselves this may be a place you've crossed. 

As you may be able to tell, I'm a Christian but I'm a Christian in a human body, living in a human world meaning sometimes it DOES get hard and I DO want to throw in the towel. I'm glad, however, of my faith because the hope I have in God does not disappoint. He just proved it in this small way by sending me this song. 

I've decided not to explain the song too much so that you may have a listen and be encouraged. You don't have to be a Christian to need encouragement.  However, as Christians we have an advantage because there's someone always listening to us, our groans, moans and sighs. There's someone we can turn to rather than alcohol, money or drugs which may give you a high for a while, but we all know it results in a low. 

Have a listen, be encouraged, keep living and most of all share this with someone that you know needs encouragement. 


Tuesday, 20 August 2013


Hi everyone, I cordially invite you to my blog Rubologs!! 

I've been thinking about this for a while and I've finally decided to do it so yay me! 

Right , I've recently graduated (I say recently, it's over a month now lol) and thought I should talk about how I feel having graduated. 

Let's just say I've been 'welcomed' into adulthood. I should be happy right? Well I'm actually, I'm grateful but I'm very overwhelmed!! Today I was thinking how nice it would be to have an older sister who would walk me through adulthood and explain certain things to me *begins to ponder*. Nonetheless going to university was an amazing experience! 

For the people that have gone to uni they would probably tell you it's best to keep an open mind, uni was NOT what I expected it to know one day I'll gist you on that one. It was filled with drama, nights of tears, foooood galore (I'm a foodie), A LOT of travelling, hard work and you know what just a whole roller coaster of things, but as I'm typing this I'm really smiling. Hmm a lot of good things came out of it. I didn't go where I wanted to go and I didn't do the course I originally wanted to do but I actually feel fulfilled, to an extent. The life lessons I learnt are irreplaceable. For example, something as little as learning to live with different people can increase your people skills and teach you patience. However, some people take the MICHAEL'S MATE!!! Talk about 'IF THE DUSTBIN IS FULL PLEASE EMPTY IT!!' Ha, I'm sure if my flatmates read this, I'll receive a warm text lool.

One quick thing I'll share before I end this...coming back was a MASSIVE shocker! I really wasn't expecting the big changes that come with moving home. I had to unpack which took me a week to do. I had to get used to the noise created by my family members because back in uni, it was so quiet, peaceful and borderline boring at times! Additionally, I decided to come back when my mother was off work. My mother is nigerian, enough said lool.

On this note, I have a question to ask, why is it that the southerners believe they must comment on EVERYTHING! I came back and I almost wanted to run back. It's actually not a good thing. Let's learn to leave things as they are. I'm not against constructive criticism, but I'm against casually finding a fault in everything. 

Ok, I think I'm happy going to university..the big thing of course is this next step that I have to take but I know I have it in me to be great in life and impact people!! 

So here's a snippet of how I communicate, hope I kept you engaged, bare with me. This is my first post and I've literally just spoken as if I would to a close friend holding a mug of hot shocolate (typo not an error, I'm a graduate tains), watching Eastenders and insulting Max for his low life lool. 

If you're looking to categorise my blog, I'm something on the lines of 'Life's about sharing'. 

Till we meet again! 

p.s here's a picture from my graduation :) 

Happy Graduation Ruthie


Monday, 4 February 2013

What I learnt in 2013

2013 is over! I don't know what your verdict is of this year but listed below are a few of my favourite things that I learnt in 2013...

Be persistent
Laziness, doubt, fear and lack of will power will not get you anywhere.
Believe in yourself first and others will believe in you I had a difficult time this year dealing with people's comments which at times were very negative. I've been brought up in a way that ensures I have support at all times. I don't think it's a bad thing but when I didn't get it, it affected me. I had to build a tough exterior, I had to believe in myself because if I don't nobody else will.

People don't like you
This was probably one thing that hurt me. Some people just have nothing good to say about you yet they don't know you. This is life and you must get on with it.

Life is tough
The things that life will throw at you can shake your foundations. It's either you overcome it or you will be overthrown.

The word you know is what will help you overcome situations
I can't stress this enough. The word you've studied, meditated on, discussed is what will get you through certain circumstances.

Don't depend on people
People are people and they will fail you at one point or the other. I've always known this but I think this year I've actually come to realise it.

Experience isn't always the best
Experience is good as you gain a deeper understanding of circumstances and why things happen in general. However, sometimes it costs too much. It's better to observe and learn from what another person may have gone through. It saves a lot of time, emotions and enzymes (there are enzymes in tears, no need wasting precious stuff lol)

Gods grace is all you need
The Grace of God is empowerment and ability to briefly summarise. This year, without His grace, I surely wouldn't have gone through it.

What are your lessons that you learnt this year?

I implore you to quickly jot down a few notes, it'd make you grateful for the year in itself.

On that note, I wish you all a happy new year!
God bless