Sunday, 30 April 2017

Not where I want to be

If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.
Ecclesiastes 11:4 (TLB)

Hi everyone,
Welcome to my first official post of 2017! Rubologs is back and in the zone (am I allowed to say that?)
I am excited to have you with me on this journey but first I will take you back to my 25th birthday and the thoughts I had running around in my mind at the time. I will also be sharing some of the pictures from my photoshoot, I decided to have a little glam session- see it as a bonus if you will.

As I assume everyone does, your birthday comes around and you review your previous year. You take stock of what you were able to accomplish or almost accomplished, you remember your failures and of course your moments of success. Can you tell that I forget to remember the good things? Lord help me.

Anyways, I started feeling as though I had not achieved enough, which I think is a sign of being ungrateful. I felt fat because I had not lost enough weight despite having a personal trainer, I had not secured a role in my preferred career path and I was not married- L O L. To add, I stopped blogging which I dearly missed.

In essence, I just felt like I had several setbacks and I used these as an excuse not to move forward. I remember, I was at home on this fateful day when the scripture hit me. I had dropped my car off at the mechanics and as I walked back to pick it up, I took in my surroundings. I’m not quite sure what caught my attention, but something did and it’s as if I was in the ‘mind of a tree’. It’s true that trees, plants and flowers alike have their optimum conditions to do what they do but they don’t ever stop doing, even if we don’t see it on the outside. The roots are constantly networking, water is being drawn up the stem, leaves fall off when they need to, but the key thing is that they continue. 

If you wait, you will not grow

So here I am with my ideas and what do I do? I chose to wait. Wait for what exactly? Did God ask me to wait? I mean sometimes He does but I kept waiting for the perfect conditions and not taking stock of the place I had reached. I didn’t take into account the work my roots had been involved in, the nourishment from the water I had received or even the benefit of a dead leaf falling away. That is an achievement in itself and should be celebrated.

             I may not be where I think I should, but I am certainly not where I used to be.
The above statement was something I had always heard in church but maybe it was never my reality until now. This pushed me to affirm and indeed take stock with the right perspective.
I’ll tell you where I am. I am in Christ, I am loved and to be loved, I am a work in progress, I am healthy and beautiful!
So, we have found ourselves in May and I welcome you because that is enough to move forward with.
Hope this post has touched you in one way...
With love,



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