Sunday, 25 June 2017

You got any luggage?

 Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. Hebrews 12:1

Hi everyone,

If you know me well, you'd know that I love to travel, but hate flying...what a combination! I love being in a new place, meeting new people, tasting food, learning the history behind buildings and street names. The best part for me however, is listening to other speak in their local dialect and accent. Gosh memories are already flooding in!

Having said that, the part I don’t enjoy so much is the preparation, aka mission-plan-every-outfit. It can be laborious to say the least, especially if you’re like me and you prefer to wear as the day commands…but it’s all good. I have learned over the years, that I actually don’t need to pack so much that I don’t have any space to buy new things whilst I’m away. I need room for the new things I encounter along my trip unless I miss out on a memory or an experience I cannot fully grasp just by having photos (although those are amazeballs too). 

It’s taken me some time to learn that as I honestly can’t deal with not having ‘in case’ items but sincerely, all it does is take up space. You just end up with more weight than you essentially need. Although, on my last trip, my blunder was that I didn’t check the local weather forecast. For some reason, I assumed it would be the same as the UK (don’t ask). 

So why did I use this analogy?

Without giving myself away, at the time I wrote this piece, I was carrying baggage and I’m certain that a lot of us have at one point or the other. 

Baggage in itself can mean several things for different people. In this case, I refer to an old way/habit/pattern of thinking AND behaviour. In essence, the thinking and mindset I had, affected my behaviour severely. 

Until the old mindset leaves, the new can’t come in and even if it does, it will not work. 

I will refer to the scripture that talks about pouring old wine into new skin. "And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins." Mark 2:22 (NLT)
What happens? It bursts, new skin cannot hold old wine. Never ever, no matter how you try it. So also you cannot walk with a renewed mind by harbouring old thoughts…you’ve gotta get rid of the old thoughts first.

Likewise, it is difficult to walk in freedom, purpose and pursuit of life whilst hanging on to previous emotional baggage. I chose to dwell on this specifically today, although it can be applied to other areas. How will you be able to embrace the new opportunities if you actually have no space to put them anywhere? Think of a hoarder, they buy, buy and buy some more, yet they cannot appreciate the vast amount of items they possess as it’s completely covered up. 

Also what good is it to you to keep carrying the baggage? 

Please let’s not be in denial, some of us have to dig deeeep pluck it out and address it. One way to do this is to pass it on. Hang on before you crucify me. Why don’t you cast your burdens unto Jesus for He cares you? Jesus is able to take the burden and exchange it for His. The issue is, we’ve carried this around for SO long that it has become a part of us and because of this we struggle to let go.

My plea to you, if this is a situation you find familiar, is let go. Stop selling yourself short. Make that exchange, move on and begin to embrace the opportunities that Jesus has already presented to you.

With love,  


P.S. Stay tuned for my official travel blogpost soon